If you would like to receive food from the Bloor West Food Bank please do the following:
Register with the Daily Bread Food Bank (DBFB)
We are an agency of DBFB. Here is the link to Daily Bread Food Bank. (Click on "Register Here"). This will create a client number. Please make note of this number.
Determine if we are the best food bank location for you
Here is a link to the page on their website that will help you do this. We recommend clients try to access a food bank that is closer to their home.
Request an appointment
Send an email to to request an appointment. In this email, please provide the client number you received from Daily Bread Food Bank in step 1.
Every Friday
11:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
St. Pius X Catholic Church
2305 Bloor St. W., Toronto, Ontario M6S 1P1
(S. side, between Jane and Runnymede)
Note our 2024 Holiday Schedule
Friday December 20th "Holiday Foodbank" - OPEN
Friday December 27th - CLOSED
Friday January 3rd - OPEN

In the summer of 2020, a group of residents from Bloor West, Swansea and Roncesvalles banded together to start the Bloor West “Loaves and Fishes” Food Bank out of St. Pius X Church. We were brought together by the Neighbours Helping Neighbours Project out of Windermere Church and with the help of Redeemer Lutheran Church for start up funds.
Every Friday from 11:00 -3:00 PM, food is provided to anyone who needs it. Since opening our doors on August 7th, 2020 we have grown from serving 10 households to more than 350 served weekly.
Food is provided every week from the Daily Bread Food Bank and Second Harvest. In addition to these deliveries, we also receive donations from local businesses such as Cobs Bread Bakery, Meaty Eats, Snappers, No Frills, and many others listed at the bottom of the page.
Our food bank would not be possible without the support of an amazing team of volunteers from many different communities.
New donation collection points
You may now donate food using our new collection boxes at the following locations:
- Royal LePage, 2320 Bloor St W, Toronto, ON M6S 1P2
- The Coffee Boutique, 2285 Bloor St W, Toronto, ON, M6S 1P1
Note our 2024 Holiday Schedule
Friday December 20th "Holiday Foodbank" - OPEN
Friday December 27th - CLOSED
Friday January 3rd - OPEN

If you are interested in being part of this exciting initiative, please register by clicking the "VOLUNTEER" button below and providing us with your information. Someone will contact you shortly.
You may email us at
How To Help
Both Monetary and Food Donations are welcome.
Monetary donations help us cover the cost of items needed to run the food bank (e.g. Ziploc bags, packing tape etc.) and purchase additional items such as eggs and other needed food items. Tax receipts will be issued for any donations over $20.
How to donate funds:
- Online through Canada Helps by clicking HERE or on the DONATE button at the top right.
- Email transfer to
- Cheque payable to "BLOOR WEST FOOD BANK"
- Cash donations delivered in person on Thursdays (11:30 am - 2:00 pm) and Fridays (11:00 am - 3:00 pm) at St Pius X Church, OR placed in a sealed envelope clearly labeled “BLOOR WEST FOOD BANK” dropped in the charity mailbox in front of the church.
We receive food donations as follows:
- On Thursdays (11:30 am - 2:00 pm) and Fridays (11:00 am - 3:00 pm) at the front entrance of St. Pius X Church
- Year-round collection boxes:
- Royal LePage, 2320 Bloor St W, Toronto, ON M6S 1P2
- The Coffee Boutique, 2285 Bloor St W, Toronto, ON, M6S 1P1
Note: all food donations must meet the following safety requirements:
- Unopened packaged or canned food that is not past the expiration date.
- Nothing homemade.
All items are welcome but we are most in need of:
- canned meat (tuna, chicken, salmon, ham, sardines)
- pasta sauce
- peanut butter
- instant coffee
- instant oatmeal (packets), quick cooking or rolled oats (we can break down large bags into smaller amounts)
- cereal (small and medium sized boxes)
- toiletries (toothpaste, razors, etc)
- canned fruit
If you are a business and want to donate food or other items please email us at

St. Pius X Catholic Church
Rotary Club of Parkdale High Park Humber
Cobs Bread Bakery
The Grumpy Gourmet
Meaty Eats Bloor West
Runnymede United Church
Ruffinʻs Pet Centre
Bloor West Village BIA
St. Olaveʼs Anglican Church
Nicholsonʼs No Frills
Royal LePage Bloor West
Crocker Web Design
St. Pius X Catholic School
Humberside Collegiate Institute
St. Pius X Catholic Womenʼs League
Church of St. Martinʻs in the Fields
The Village Players
West Toronto KEYS to Inclusion
Natureʼs Path
Sweet and Elegant
Collected Joy
The Body Shop
Orange Theory Fitness
Atlas Ink
The Period Purse
MAD Elevator Inc.
The Coffee Boutique
Fresh Avenue
Bloor Meat Market
Sanaganʼs Meat Locker
Bloor West Dental
85th Toronto Scouts
Ready Set Recycle
Capucci Salon and Spa
Red Label Hair Company
JC Salons
Bluestein Charitable Foundation
Cheese Boutique
Keller Williams
Bloor Animal Hospital
Sport Chek Stockyards
Starline Production Rentals
Meridian Credit Union - Bloor West Branch
Capital One
Bank of Montreal
Wiseacre Rentals
Thank you also to our volunteers and the many individuals who have donated cash and food to support our efforts.
Connect with us